Thursday, March 30, 2006

Dating sucks.

I briefly had a crush on White Tara, the Asian goddess of motherly compassion.

From ReligionFacts
"Her white color signifies purity, wisdom and truth.

"In iconography, White Tara often has seven eyes – in addition to the usual two, she has a third eye on her forehead and one on each of her hands and feet. This symbolizes her vigilance and ability to see all the suffering in the world. The "Tara of Seven Eyes" is the form of the goddess especially popular in Mongolia.

"White Tara is seated in the diamond lotus position, with the soles of her feet pointed upward. Her posture is one of grace and calm. Her right hand makes the boon-granting gesture and her left hand is in the protective mudra. In her left hand, White Tara holds an elaborate lotus flower that contains three blooms. The first is in seed and represents the past Buddha Kashyapa; the second is in full bloom and symbolizes the present Buddha Shakyamuni; the third is ready to bloom and signifies the future Buddha Maitreya. These three blooms symbolize that Tara is the essence of the three Buddhas.

"In religious practice, White Tara is believed to help her followers overcome obstacles, espeically those that inhibit the practice of religion. She is also associated with longevity."

Wouldn't be great to meet someone like that? I guess that sounds silly, and perhaps to someone who believes the 21 incarnations of Tara are real it sounds like sacrilege.

Well, I eventually got over it.

Had a brief thing for Green Tara on the rebound, but I got past that, too.

One can visualize the wise, knowing Taras in their myriad incarnations floating down to earth, their gentle smiling expressions filled with compassion and care for humankind.

Then, looking at my junky minivan or the cat hair on my clothes, they say 'Eww!' and ascend heavenward again.

Dating sucks.


Anonymous said...

I was imagining the other day that if the cat hair on your beret were gathered like sticks in a bundle, then you could wrap a red thread around the middle making a tied-fly-like-jaunty accessorie out of your loved one's accidental fur.

Anonymous said...
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