Sunday, July 05, 2009

Random notes

When I was in my twenties, I didn't care about having plants or pets. I didn't want the hassle of caring for either one. Even now, weed-pulling and vet visits are chores I'd rather avoid. But I do enjoy having some animals around, and the collection of plants in my yard makes it seem more tranquil.

My goal is to make my yard - especially my back yard - a sort of sanctuary where I can spend my time. I feel old and tired, and I just want a place where I can sit quietly and have no stress.

It looks like I'm just a few weeks away from having it all finished. The plumbing on the garage has been inspected and approved, so we're clear to install the shower and toilet. The electrical has hit a snag with the city, which I hope will be resolved next week. They'll be putting exterior sealant on the siding this week, and if the electrical issues are resolved, spraying in insulation as well.

There's a small pond in the back that still needs a pump installed. Before we run electricity for that, I'm trying to get some info on moving the gas meter, which sits right in the middle of the back yard. I hope to have that resolved by week's end as well.

I'm having a new section of fence put in between the house and the garage, and that is also dependent on the electrical inspection, since there's a trench for the electric service right where the fence will be, and it can't be filled in until the inspection is complete.

The landscaping has been going on for about a year now, and the garage about ten months. I am ready for things to get back to normal around this place.

I had planned to do some work inside the house as well, and even started part of it, but I'm not going any further with it. I need to conserve my financial resources, and I need to have peace and quiet around here.

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