Sunday, December 16, 2007

Grocery shopping with the Robert Shaw Chorale

I went to the supermarket tonight to pick up something to snack on. I lost everything in the fridge during the power outage, so the pickings in the house were rather slim.

The supermarket, at 39th & Pennsylvania, was almost empty at 5pm.

Across the street, a half-dozen police units were converged on a parked car.

"God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" was playing over the PA system.

I don't know why stores feel the need to play Christmas music. It doesn't make the shopping experience any more festive. In inner-city neighborhoods like this one, it tends to make an otherwise ordinary day seem bleak and empty.

Some of my friends and/or fellow bloggers have talked about finding 'that special someone' during the holidays. I feel that same way at times, except that I see it as looking for someone who will distract me from the depressing aspects of National Buy Something For Jesus' Birthday Month.

Distraction is, in the end, another sucker bet. We have a whole nation of people looking for things that will distract them from reality, and sometimes spending themselves into bankruptcy for them. I'm not just talking about drugs, either. There's satellite radio, cable TV, season football tickets and more.

I guess I need some kind of strong wrap-up here, but I don't have one.

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