Monday, January 04, 2010

Stuff off old hard drives

I have several old computers around the house. And by 'old,' I mean anywhere from seven to ten years old. I've decided to get rid of them, so I started firing them up yesterday to see if there was anything I wanted to keep on them. Most of these computers hadn't been turned on in anywhere from three to seven years, and I wasn't sure what I would find on them.

Most of the computers were not fully functional, and it took some creativity to get files off of them. And after all the work, I didn't find much that I wanted.

The item above was done in 2002. I think it was for some city project, but it never got off the ground. This is the first time this sketch has seen the light of day.

I did this, I think, while I was still living in Texas. That picture is from my apartment there; and that's my Texas haircut. I don't remember why I did this... probably just goofing around.

There's quite a bit of stuff like this on these old computers, although these are the most interesting two things I found.

1 comment:

sweeney said...

It's always such a kick seeing your artwork! Thanks for posting these.