Monday, July 04, 2011

Random Quotes

Random Quotes:

If something looks beautiful to you, something else must be ugly. If something seems good, something else must seem bad. All perceptions.

– ZenDirtZenDust

via Zen Moments:

Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

– Carrie Fisher


Anonymous said...

That first quote is a clumsy paraphrase of the Tao te Ching. The Carrie Fisher quote is a commonplace at AA meetings, sometimes also formulated thus: A resentment is like a hemorrhoid, it only bothers the asshole who has it. On that same subject, an expectation (especially that someone will act according to your standards and in your best interest) is an unripe resentment.

I really just got on your comment board to say that my blog's server is down and I haven't been able to post about Oswalt's show at JRB, much to my regret, even if it's to the world's joy.


Anonymous said...

Amongst White Clouds

If you have not alread

Anonymous said...
