Saturday, August 07, 2010

Collapsing Empire

I rarely post political or current events stuff. I hope you'll read this post by Glenn Greenwald, called "What collapsing empire looks like."

"Does anyone doubt that once a society ceases to be able to afford schools, public transit, paved roads, libraries and street lights -- or once it chooses not to be able to afford those things in pursuit of imperial priorities and the maintenance of a vast Surveillance and National Security State -- that a very serious problem has arisen, that things have gone seriously awry, that imperial collapse, by definition, is an imminent inevitability?"

Somtime back during the Nixon administration, the Powers That Be ran the ship of state into an iceberg. What's been happening since then, even during the terms of Democratic presidents, is the luxury class passengers making for the lifeboats while the rest of us are stranded on the lower decks. Now, they're yelling at us to throw down the ship's china and silverware before the gunwale slips below the waves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep. Get ready for interesting times.

Think Detroit to the tenth power.