Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The second post

Sometimes, I'll wake up at 3:40 with my brain kind of running in overdrive. In the past, I've written down a lot of what I was thinking and emailed it to a friend. Later in the day, I look at it again, and sometimes think the material that seemed so profound and edgy when I was half-awake doesn't look as good after the sun has come up.

But I shall press on nonetheless.

Future posts will appear in the wee hours –– not necessarily at exactly 3:40 a.m., but sometime between 3 and 4 a.m., Central time.

Being a web designer by profession, my first task here was to fiddle with the cascading style sheets in the template. I am not done yet. More changes will probably appear in the future.

There are some CSS elements here that I don't regularly use. I'm used to having Dreamweaver remember the details for me. Posting here without the value of a heavy-duty wysiwyg editor will help refresh my my CSS and HTML skills.

I used to enjoy doing creative stuff with web design when it was a hobby. Now I spend my whole day hovering over a web site, and when I come home, I am more than ready to place my work in the hands of a commercial system that spares me some of the back-end stuff.

I went to bed early tonight. I've been turning in pretty early since Daylight Saving Time ended. It's only midnight now, but I think I was asleep by 8:30.

Dinner this evening was at La Mariachi, a new Mexican restaurant recommended by Caroline and, I think, Randy. Or maybe it was someone else. In any event the food was good. I overate, which contributed to my slothfulness when I got home.

I definitely need more exercise. Even my doctor says so. It's hard to get motivated, though. Am I depressed? I wonder. I've dealt with depression all my life –– even doing the holed-up-for-a-year thing twice. But I don't feel depressed. Not at the moment, anyway. Believe me, you'll know when I'm feeling depressed.

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