Saturday, April 15, 2006

Glider news

When I first bought my house, I bought an assemble-it-yourself Adirondack chair. I don't know what is involved in making an Adirondack chair excruciatingly uncomfortable, but the designers of this one obviously researched the subject before sitting down with AdirondaCAD or whatever. So, the chair is still there, but I rarely sit in it.

Later, I bought a couple of canvas sling deck chairs. My grandparents had these on their front porch (just about a mile west of where I live now) for many years and when I was a kid, I would sit on the porch with my grandfather, tilted back in the canvas sling. But sling chair technology has evidently declined in the intervening 40 years. Mine, purchased from a well-known national chain, were disappointing, and one was actually defective.

At the Red Cup, from where I am blogging at this very moment, there is a forty-odd year old metal porch glider. After sitting in it a couple of evenings last summer, I knew I had to have one.

This afternoon, I was driving north on Western, just happened to glance to my left, and there it was -- an almost identical glider, sitting in front of an antique store. I immediately executed a Bat-turn, went into the store and bought it. It's got a little rust, and several coats of ugly paint, but it seems sound.

I'll pick it up tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Photo, please?

Anonymous said...

yep, knew you could not wait to get it set up! Now, I will have to put on my nagging cap to get it sandblasted!!
Nice glider.

Anonymous said...

which cat is that one??