Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Bicycle news

I finally got around to taking the clipless pedals off my bike tonight. Only took about ten minutes. I had been putting it off for months. I originally liked the idea of clipless pedals because I thought I would be riding this bike mostly around Lake Hefner.

But I never did. And I never rode it around the hood because it was too much trouble to find the shoes and put them on.

So the old-fashioned block pedals went back on tonight. I'm going to try to use the bike more on weekends and quit driving so much.

I'm too damn fat.


Nina said...


I just got clipless pedals over the weekend and tried them out on the asphalt for the first time today.

And to think you could have shown me the ropes.


mcarp said...

Clipping in and out isn't that big a deal, once you get used to it. That only took me a couple of hours.

Remembering what you did with the ^&*&% shoes is harder - at least for me.