Sunday, March 18, 2007

How lucky I am

They say it's never good to compare oneself to others. One of two things will result: dissatisfaction and resentment or arrogance and pride.

But on the other hand, sometimes it's good to check in to get a point of reference. If you never met the man who had no feet, you might go on feeling sorry for yourself because you had no shoes.

With that in mind, I got some points of reference today that have helped reassure me that I am on the right track. Not because I'm smart or wise, but because of a chain of events that led me to where I am now.

I had been a little depressed today, and feeling a little sorry for myself, and then I got some reminders how good I have it.

Gata, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi swaha!


Anonymous said...

So, what were the reminders?

mcarp said...

It doesn't matter. Just some stuff.