Wednesday, August 01, 2007

LA Times: This is your brain on love

From the Los Angeles Times:

"... romantic love is a lot like addiction to alcohol or drugs. The brain is playing a trick, necessary for evolution, by associating something that just happened with pleasure and attributing the feeling to that magnificent specimen right before your eyes."

More here.

My take: 'Love', like a lot of other things, is just something fizzing around in your brain. It has no reality outside your own skull.


Anonymous said...

I agree with this, romantic love isn't reality. In fact, I think it's complete bullshit (although it's a lot of fun for a while).

But the love for a child and the love for a friend are two very real kinds of love that last forever.

Oh yeah....And the love for a brother from his baby sister.

NonSense Sonja said...

yeah, thats some how true, BUT there can be more behind all that and that than becoming real and it can feel real also.