Saturday, August 25, 2007

Perfect Joy

from "Perfect Joy" by Chuang Tzu, translated by Thomas Merton

"Here is how I sum it up:

Heaven does nothing: its non-doing is its serenity.
Earth does nothing: its non-doing is its rest.
From the union of these two non-doings
All actions proceed,
All things are made.
How vast, how invisible
This coming-to-be!
All things come from nowhere!
How vast, how invisible
No way to explain it!
All beings in their perfection
Are born of non-doing.
Hence it is said:
'Heaven and earth do nothing
Yet there is nothing they do not do.'

Where is the man who can attain
To this non-doing?"


Anonymous said...

Is your glass half full, half empty or merely twice as big as it needs to be?


Anonymous said...

Huh? I don't get all this "nothingness". I feel like it's 1970 and I'm watching "The Point".... "The point is, there is no point".

I call bullshit and have decided to protest and denounce all "Zen" rhetoric.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how many zen masters does it take to change a light bulb?

zen masters do nothing and yet nothing is left undone.
