Wednesday, August 15, 2007

You look... mahvelous! (Or Photoshopped - take your pick)

Here's a web site for photoretoucher iWANEX Studio. Click on "portfolio" to see the artist's work.

A few observations: first of all, I think it's great that these celebrities allow these 'raw' photos to be released on the web.

Second, this gives you some idea of what's done with Photoshop in this nation every day of the week. Photoshop has distorted more reality than Karl Rove ever dreamed of.

Third, we hear a lot - and rightly so - about how advertising and celebrity journalism have given us all false expectations about appearance and image. As these before and after photos show, even the celebrities don't look like celebrities, so don't feel inferior if you don't, either.

Fourth, everybody who is in this line of work or anything remotely connected to it uses Photoshop, not Photo-Paint or MS Draw or The GIMP. ("Yew outta be usin' the GIYUMP," as the guy with the red clip-on hardware store suspenders would say, his face screwed up into a little knot beneath his woolly Twinkie crumb-spangled beard. "It's open source. Do you know what open source means?"

Okay, that last part was sort of judgemental. But what the hell.


NonSense Sonja said...

wow! that maked my morning realy good!
and i understand now what it means when people have an 2. face.
my son had fun also looking at that, i would hope that every jung person look to this, it can help them to understand between reality and... ehm...photoshop body tuning...

Lark said...

Amazing. After a while you can guess what was changed, or will be changed. It's kind of like the models exist as canvasses to be painted on. Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

Mike, this is a boring post. I understand you have a lot of people to please but I feel for every computer commentary there should be 3 - 4 spiritual commentaries.

Thanks for lunch today.

I am close to getting my bike and I hope you will ride with me sometime.

Anonymous said...

After a quick Google search, I admit that the sounds we heard tonight were probably not tree frogs. You win.