Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sunday afternoon

This blog has been rather devoid of content lately.

That's because there hasn't been anything going on. I took on a freelance project last week – my first in several months. I'm still trying to collect my poorly-organized invoices from last year for my tax preparer. It's only a few hundred dollars, but I want to make sure I have everything the way it should be.

I'm still reading The Outline of History, and am now on the Renaissance.

If I were to draw a graph of my life the past few months, it would be an almost straight horizontal line, with just a few gentle, barely perceptible ups and downs. Nothing makes me deliriously happy and nothing makes me depressed and despondent. I became very frustrated about the 'Sonics to OKC' deal, which I still think is a poor investment of public revenue, and that has probably bothered me more than anything since the first of the year.

In terms of personal stuff, well, there just isn't any. I'm still struggling with getting rid of junk in the house, although I've given away and thrown away quite a bit. But that's not so awful that I feel traumatized about it.

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