Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday PM

Took off work a couple of hours early (I'm maxed out on accumulated leave - whatever I don't take now, I lose) came home, changed into shorts and an aloha shirt, and headed over to Sauced!

The patio was full.

Sat down with Andre, Ron F and Kelley O and had a beer and a pizza. The Mayor of Slackerville arrived and sat with us awhile.

The air was warm, then cooled at dusk. We were under the awning, out of the sun.

It was another of those evenings where everything seemed just right.

Can't get hooked on it... they don't last. Impermanence, non-attachment and all that. But if you can sit on a just-right evening and eat pizza with friends, why would you want to do anything else?

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