Sunday, May 20, 2007


I was down a little this weekend. This comes and goes, as I've mentioned before, and I assume it will pass.

soartstar says I'm in amore or less continual state of depression, and that's why I have so little enthusiasm for things.

Personally, I think enthusiasm in overrated, and I wonder why other people get so worked up over stuff.


Anonymous said...

I am slowly learning that "curiosity" is one of my keys to overcoming ennui. So, I have f-o-r-c-e-d myself to pick some subjects to investigate. For exanple, did you know that French is the second most spoken language in the world next to English? Well, I would have bet on Chinese. French is also the official language of the United Nations (and the International Red Cross), not English. Did you know that ducks do not fart in water? Tattoos fade 100 times faster if you get sun on them. Lots of things to learn. I am mainly working on my own fragile character. Can I do "it"? Can I get "better" before I die? This is what I am most curious about.

Curiousity may have killed the pussy but it is saving me, at least for now.

mcarp said...

I already know too much stuff.