Monday, November 16, 2009


One of the things that surprised and disappointed me on my trip was the difficulty I had in finding local restaurants. In many of the towns through which I passed, franchise restaurants appeared to have completely supplanted local dining places. I would consult the UrbanSpoon app on my iPhone and get nothing back but franchises like Shoney's, IHOP and O'Casey's. In White Pine, the only restaurant I found was a Sonic.

We're fortunate here in the bubble to have so many good family-owned restaurants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After ages I felt like looking at your blog again.

You are actually praising the food in OKC??? Mike, it's pretty bad and mostly incredibly boring.

I had an extended e-mail exchange with the so-called food critic of the Gazette after my last visit and she did admit that they were not allowed (the publisher!) to actually review a place honestly, and she was unhappy about it.

But only genuine reviews will ever get a place from wher OKC is right now: Grossly oversized portions, the blandest food I've had in the US.

For decades, I used to rank the US, only knowing the coasts and the Southwest for a long time, right after France re interesting restaurant food (I NEVER eat in chains, unless I am starving!) until I finally hit the Midwest later in life. That's the bottom, foodwise, really.

Your "family restaurants" are just as bland as are your chains. Having to keep up with the taste buds of chain-addicted patrons, I guess.

Try Taos, already you'll taste the difference.
