Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Jury Duty

I have jury duty next week. This is already starting to be flashback-y for me, and I'm kind of freaking out about it. The last time I was in a courtroom was as a reporter covering the McVeigh trial in Denver. It makes me queasy even thinking about that. I do not, do not, do not want to find myself in a courtroom again. This is going to be like psychological torture.

God damn I hate being reminded of any of that.


Unknown said...

trust me, Jury duty is VERY boring. Lots of people all trying to get out of doing their civic duty and lots of naps going on!!

mcarp said...

Oh, I know. I've done it before. But not since being in therapy.

Anonymous said...

Great courtroom icebreaker:

"Hey, your honor: did you hear the one about the two gay judges who TRIED EACH OTHER?"

Guaranteed laugh-generator.