Sunday, October 16, 2011

108 Days of Gratitude - Day 7

Today I am grateful for Kat Parker.

Kat has been my occasional housekeeper for about five years now. Being my housekeeper is no easy chore, because I'm a slob. You remember Oscar Madison in The Odd Couple? That's nothing.

Most of my slovenly housekeeping is just the way my brain functions, or malfunctions. In addition, though, I have a lower back problem that doesn't bother me much when I lift heavy objects, but does cause pain when I do things like sweep or mop or push a lawn mower. (Yeah, I know: how conveeeeenient!)

About two or three times a year, Kat, sometimes accompanied by her fellow housekeeping ninja Annie, sweep through this house and do in a day what I could not accomplish in six months.

When you don't see me at the coffee shop for weeks or months at a time, it's because Kat has made my house livable.

I am also grateful for Kat's mom, Rena, who occasionally goes through my mountain of unopened mail and sorts out the crap from the real stuff for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have to say I am grateful for Kat Parker, too! :)