Wednesday, September 28, 2011

And now, an unsolicited testimonial

You may recall that earlier this year I was somewhat attracted to a woman much younger than myself. She sent me to the friend zone quickly, but that was what I expected in the first place, so I wasn't too broken-hearted about it.

She has since moved away with a boyfriend her own age. But today, she posted this comment on my Facebook wall in regard to my own posts about my daily activities.

" remind me of the old man on Fraggle Rock mixed a bit with the Swedish Chef of the Muppets, with a hint of the man that Dennis menaces...lovin' the daily mcarp..."

Of course, she forgot to mention Dr. Johnny Fever.

But I think her description probably reflects the general feminine opinion of me in a much more succinct way than I ever could. I can sit at my computer and blather about the resurgence of my sexual prowess, but in the outside world most women look at me and are reminded of various cartoon characters from their childhoods.


Anonymous said...

No, you do that to yourself. You don't seem to care about how you look and yet you do. What a sad statement...easier to do nothing than actually do something that might make you feel better. What happened 3 weeks ago? You walked away from a friendship because you were afraid you were getting too close to someone. Not a lover, but a friend and it scared the hell out of you.

Anonymous said...

Have you done any soul searching since your rash behavior three weeks ago? Do you even question why you really acted the way you did?