Monday, September 12, 2011


Another person and I have dissolved our friendship of six or seven years. Frankly, it feels like a relief.

She would have her own interpretation of the events leading up to this. My interpretation is that we had reached the point where she expected me to be on 24-hour hot standby to help her with emergencies, anxiety attacks and minor crises that were usually the direct result of her own negligence or lack of planning.

She had done this previously with a couple other of her male friends, and I knew it would eventually come to me.

My list of close friends is shrinking. But I am more comfortable with solitude than I have been in a long time. I guess I like myself better than I used to.

A few days went by during the past couple of weeks in which I did not think about the willowy and ethereal Buddhist woman. That's significant because they were the first days in probably six or seven years that I did not think of her even once. It used to be an every day occurrence.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you aren't thinking of me constantly--I am. Oh, yeah, I'm not ethereal, but I do miss your company. You're my favorite hermit. Hope you are whatever you want to be. Sorry your friendship has dissolved.

Minovermary said...

I think the older we get, the more inclined we are to get rid of those who are sucking the life out of us. I never thought I would, but in the past few years I have turned my back on several people who I thought were friends.

They aren't friends if all they do is take and never give in return. I feel much better having rid these people from my life. No more stress and anger at having to listen to their sucking noise as my soul was being wrenched from my body.

I say good for you for getting rid of whoever it is. Of course I would never want you to do that to me! But then why would you.

We are very much alike.


mcarp said...

I wouldn't say it was taking not giving anything in return. It was more like a 70/30 thing, with me providing the 70. And eventually, the expectation that I would simply be a spigot for help.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was a Serenity Vampire.

Anonymous said...

This is why I prefer zombies to vampires. Zombies make no excuses, they just eat your brain. Vampires are seductive and glam you and suck your soul/blood out in small increments to keep you alive as a food source. Viva la Zombies!!

Anonymous said...

Why would you blow off a good friend of years and discuss it on your blog instead of speaking to her about your complaints and "feelings". Just one day cutting a friend off without any explanation is cruel and immature. Here's a few lines grownups use, "I'm feeling used and want a change", "I think I need some space", "I think you lean on me too much", "I'm liking being alone and don't want to see you as often", "No, I don't want to do that favor." 70% is a lot to claim for someone who admits to manipulating women to do his bidding. Interesting you cut her off just when you stopped obsessing about ethereal woman.