Saturday, September 24, 2011

Random notes

I bought a TV this week. It's the first new TV I've had in 15 years, I guess. I haven't had television at all in a long time.

Pulled the thing out of the box, and the only thing I recognized was the screen. All the connections – and there are many – were foreign to me. I had never seen a TV with USB ports and a LAN connection. I misplaced the manual almost immediately. I guess I'll go online and try to learn more about how this thing works. I doubt I'll watch any actual television with it. I'm thinking about getting Netflix, and I can watch movies right now from iTunes.

In other news, I'm sitting at home almost all day, and enjoying it. Haven't been to the coffee shop in a couple of weeks. Went to dinner with my old Wednesday/Friday group the other night. I don't do that often, but it's good to touch base with them occasionally.

I've thought lately that I would like to make some new friends. I don't know where to look. Most people bore me. They have to be extremely bright or extremely eccentric for me to enjoy their company.

The blower in the central air unit has gone out. I haven't had anything done with it because the weather's been so temperate I haven't needed it, and probably won't need heat until December. It has to get below freezing and stay that way for a couple of days for the house to get cold enough to be uncomfortable.

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