Monday, February 06, 2012

Truly blessed

I had a lot to do today. Bought new linens for the back bedroom, along with an electric slow cooker and some pots and pans. Visited with a lawyer about estate planning and other stuff related to my illness. Had new front door keys cut to give to friends who'll be checking on me after surgery. Installed (gopod help me) Windows 7 on my Mac, along with VMWare Fusion, so I can access a single state gov't web site that's still using ten-year-old proprietary ASP widgets that work only with Internet Explorer.

Because I was so busy, I didn't have time to brood or obsess. And tonight, I feel as if I'm tired enough that I might sleep all the way through.

To add to my previous post... Quan Yin has in fact manifested herself in my life, if you can believe in such things. Maybe she isn't sitting right at my bedside, but her compassion is reflected in the supportive emails and offers of help I've received from many, many friends.

I've been truly blessed in this regard.


sweeney said...

I am so happy to hear that many arms of compassion are reaching out to you, Mike.

Nina said...

May those arms of compassion also manifest in loads of hugs!

Everyone needs to be hugged and often.