Monday, January 16, 2006

The difference

I was confronted again today between the difference bewteen who I am and who I wish to be.

Someone made an unintended joke at another person's expense. And I had to laugh, as did others. If it had been intentional, it wouldn't have been funny. It was the irony of the remark that made it humorous.

But rather than let the situation pull me down to a level where I don't wish to be, I wish I coul∂ instead have risen above it. When my ego is running completely away from reality, I would like to be the kind of person whose very presence elevates others to a higher level of consciousness. Yeah -- that's it -- the Mcarp Lama.

If you know me, you know what a total flight of fantasy that is. As long as I'm wishing, I wish the Supreme Court would appoint me President of the United States.

It would be enough, though, to be the person I want to be, rather than be the person into which my surroundings turn me.

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