Thursday, June 17, 2010

I bought a book

If you read the WaPo article to which I linked a few days ago, you may recall the mention of a book called Buried In Treasures by Tolin, Frost and Steketee. I bought it the other day and have been browsing through it. I started out reading it closely, but quickly discovered most of the information was stuff I had read in other books or had figured out on my own. After that, I just thumbed through it looking for interesting tidbits.

I come back to my basic decluttering rules:

  1. Stuff has to leave the house and not come back.
  2. Other new stuff cannot come in.

When you see something interesting in a store or online, you have to program yourself to see that object as something that is going to screw up your life. Possessions are the enemy. They hate you. They want to crush your spirit and snuff out your soul.

The most valuable possession of all is your own peace of mind.

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