Monday, June 21, 2010

More on the random crap

Why do we keep all this random crap? I'll open a drawer and see some dumbass thing that's been around here a million years: "Ah. There's the shoelace organizer I bought in 1987."

And then what? Well, it proves that event happened. I didn't just imagine I bought a shoelace organizer in 1987, because, well, look — here the thing is. I bought it, and this proves I existed in 1987, and I wasn't created by aliens just 15 minutes ago and implanted with a bunch of false memories.

But what if I didn't exist in 1987? What if I don't exist right now? What difference does it make? What fucking difference does it make?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not trying at all to be funny, I want to say how much I admire you for doing this cleanup/cleanout thing. I know you hate and dread it and that it goes against your instincts, but that you are doing it anyway because it's the right thing. We all get caught up in the inertia of doing what we've always done and it's really hard to change directions, even for good reasons. I honestly believe you are showing a strength of mind and character that I find admirable. Congratulations, sir. Well played.
John L