Saturday, September 04, 2010

Another Cheery Saturday

I have at least three friends who are suffering depression severe enough to disrupt their lives. One has moments of sadness, and sees herself becoming less organized and motivated. Two others are afflicted with panic and anxiety attacks that disrupt sleep. One of them talks of occasionally being suicidal.

I wonder what the hell is the matter with all of us.

I have had the panic and anxiety attacks, but it's been 25 years ago, and the direct result of working for an absolutely insane company. I've had the suicidal tendencies, but that's been about 12 years ago. At the moment, I don't feel sad, I don't feel anxious or panicked, and I don't feel suicidal. But I feel zero enthusiasm for anything. I just absolutely do not give a shit.

Human beings are, for the most part, greedy, self-serving idiots. And it's the greediest, the most self-serving, and the most idiotic who end up running things. Did you watch that clip of Arizona's Governor Brewer trying to make an opening statement in a debate? Just tell us what you think, Governor. Blank stare for ten seconds. And then something like, "We're proud of what we've did." The Sarah Palin School of Communications. And she's leading by 19 points.

We are doomed, doomed, fucking doomed. We're cretins. But we're also just a bunch of microbes screwing things up on one little speck of dirt in one little galaxy. About the only pleasure I get out of life these days is knowing that the universe is so immense that we'll never be able to pave the whole thing and put strip malls on it. We won't be able to pollute all of it or spill oil all over it. We'll never get to kill the people on other planets who are different colors than us or who don't believe in the same all-powerful invisible beings we do.

And then there's this: Mass Extinction Threat: Earth on Verge of Huge Reset Button?

But if we're publishing news stories with sentences like...

"Looking back in time, the diversity of large taxonomic groups (which include lots of species), such as snails or corals, mostly hovered around a certain equilibrium point that represented a diversity limit of species' numbers."

...then we deserve to die.


I wish I felt better.


dzaster said...

Some friendly suggestions:

1. Get out of Oklahoma. It may not get better but I promise it can't get worse.

2. Keep doing what you're doing.

3. Don't do volunteer work. It is depressing and Mr. Volunteer Coordinator will make you feel creepy. They always do with me.

4. Join Toastmasters! It's the most fun you can have for about $6.00/month. Very quirky people. Truly a funny organization.

5. Eat more of something you really like. Eat a lot of it.

6. Read the Millinium Triology. The best time waster I have ever participated in. LOVED it and I do not really get into stuff like that. Do not see the movies.

7. Duck when people shoot at you unless you are ready to leave the planet. A bullet in the head? Sounds like a good way to die if you ask me.

Simply suggestions. Take care.

star said...

dzaster offered good advice there. It's easy to see how much of the world sucks, so instead, turn your back on the news media. Enjoy some consensual fun; let someone who is "up" draw you into their world. It starts off feeling like pasting a smile on your face but I've found the best way to pull myself up from the muck of depression is to get out with people who are enjoying something I kinda enjoy.