Friday, September 29, 2006

3:03 a.m.

Woke up with a pretty bad headache, but a headache is something I can deal with. The really good news is that the ranitidine seems to have worked: no chest pain, cramps or anything else all night.

I rattle on a lot about renunciation and non-attachment, but what about non-attachment to health?

I've been miserable the past few days: pain, exhaustion, blood pressure up and down... and yet I can right off the top of my head think of two or three people whose health is worse than mine, and they rarely say anything about it.

Shunryu Suzuki-roshi continued giving talks at the San Francisco Zen Center even when he knew he was dying of cancer. Some of those talks have been included in his books.

Thanks again to soartstar who, inspite of having a lot of big things going on in her own life, spent hour after hour taking care of me. I hope I can repay some day.

(Good news! Bucky has been released by the vet to resume his normal dog activities.)

Well... I've taken some aspirin for the headache. Back to bed.

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