Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Monday update

One of the kittens died overnight. I don't know what happened. She was right by her food dish. She had exhibited no signs of illness or listlessness.

I used to get very distraught about kittens dying. I think, as I have probably blogged before, that dogs and cats deserve a better shot at life than a lot of humans do.

Now I tend to view life and death as a sort of a temporary coming followed by a temporary going. I'm undecided about reincarnation, but I accept the notion, as Tich Nhat Hanh writes, that living things are like waves that appear in the ocean. Yes, we have a certain illusion of separateness and individuality, but in reality, we're all partt of the same ocean and can't exist apart from it.

Not much else to report since Friday. The weekend was uneventful - felt well enough to mow the front yard Sunday morning, and spent most of the rest of the time at the Red Cup or at Suzanne's.

Physically, I am back at almost full strength and worked all day yesterday.

I still have a little muscle soreness, and I had a sudden dizzy spell yesterday. Several people saw it, and I guess I was wobbling pretty badly.

But I'm still inching my way back to normalcy.

I lost some weight over the summer, mostly due to cutting a lot of fast food out of my diet, and some old clothes fit again. I wore a shirt to work yesterday that's probably twenty years old.

One thing I will say about my '80s-'90s fascination with fashion: I rarely bought crap, and always chose quality over flashiness. So I have lots of stuff hanging in the closet today that, while no longer stylish, looks about like it did when I bought it.


RJ said...

glad you are better....maybe you need to write a book and do the promo tour of how to lose weight the salmonella way! Could be a winner.

RJ said...

sorry about the kitty...I hate it when one dies. I always feel it was something I could have fixed. Probably not anything you could have done.

Anonymous said...

Oh, your blog makes me so sad this morning! I so wish I had not given way my black leather pants and white frilly Betsy Johnson blouse. Now that I am approaching late middle age I could get away with wearing that ensamble again.

Dead kittens - gross. Giving away expensive black leather 1980s pants - tragic.

Anonymous said...

Taking crap is bad.

Buy crap is even more badder.

Glad you don't do it.

Sorry about the kitten. I love cats. As I turned onto my street this morning, I spotted a black cat sitting in his driveway, surveying his kingdom. I thought: "He knows something I don't, and I wish I knew what it was."

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your kitten. Was the Momma cat distraught over her baby's death?

Love the wave analogy.

Did you possibly eat any spinach before becoming ill?

Hang in there. I'm enjoying your blog.

Lark said...

Oh I'm sorry to hear about the kitten. Have you lost many of them over the years?