Friday, March 16, 2007

Cat attack update

I'm not the only victim.

Watch it... just the first 30 seconds or so... then scroll down for context and analysis.

Cats have a way of saying "put me down."

That's not what this cat was saying. This cat was saying, "put me the fuck down."

Even as the anchors are breathlessly introducing Fox 8 News Reporter Kathleen Cochrane LIVE from Russell Township, you can hear the cat saying, "Put me the fuck down. Put me the fuck down. I am not kidding about this. Put me... the fuck... down."

But reporter Cochrane apparently doesn't get the gravity of the situation. She's too busy trying to say her lines, remember the consultant's admonition to 'show the prop, refer to the prop,' and get the roll cue for the internal package right.

"I don't give a shit if you're from Fox 8 News. I don't care if you're Oprah. Put me the fuck down!"

And then, when she says, "cats like this one," because this is like, you know, a reference cat, just in case you've never seen one before –– well, the cat was just pushed over the edge.

Exactly as I would have been.

Kathleen Cochrane's first-person account of her brush with terror can be found here.

1 comment:

Nina said...

At the sound of playing that clip, my cats were all over my laptop.

How that woman didn't know what was going on is beyond me, regardless of her claim at being a dog person.
