Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday evening

I've gotten over my immediate alarm regarding my overindulgence and cancelled my reservations at Jesus House.

I also remember now why I quit drinking wine - almost twenty years ago. When I got up this morning, my head felt like it was stuffed with wet sawdust ... allergic reaction, not a hangover.

I don't know how 'cute' I was - Jeebus, I'm 54 years old. I'm not supposed to be 'cute.'

Oh, and there was no danger regarding me driving home. I was fine by the time I got in my car, which was quite a while later - after dinner.

Spent the morning today as usual. In the afternoon, I did a little housecleaning and got a bunch of junk out of my car. Not that the car is clean, but it's better.

In a week or so, I should have it clean enough to take in and have the AC fixed.


NonSense Sonja said...

guess, there is nothing against being 54 years 'old' AND still being cute by time.

anyway, better there is an cute 54 year 'old' man an bit buzzed and cute than somebody with 24 buzzed and

NonSense Sonja said...

by the son is great in cleaning cars...think for 5 dollars he would clean yours niceley.
he have a lot of experiences in

Anonymous said...


Just when you think life is going well I hate to have to break bad news to you. I heard yesterday that because you do not answer your cell phone, the Cell Phone Police have issued a warrant for your immediate arrest. I'd really look over my shoulder as these guys are brutal. In the mean time, answer the phone. And e-mail.

Your cosmic attorney

mcarp said...

I knew I never should have gotten that thing.

Anonymous said...

You have a cell phone? Do tell!
Where's MY email???


RJ said...

You want the number???
I can be bought.