Sunday, March 02, 2008

How would Jesus vote?

"There are certain times in your life when saying yes is simply the right thing to do," says this 'Big League City' mailer apparently sent via some targeted mailing list.

"When we said YES to the MAPS projects 15 years ago, we set in motion so many positive changes for our city. Building the arena gave us the opportunity to host Dr. Billy Graham's crusade, one of my proudest moments as Mayor. And the combined impact of what is happening downtown created an environment that competes to keep our children and grandchildren in Oklahoma City.

"This vote on March 4th is about so much more than one building or one basketball team. It's about doing the right thing for our city – creating the environment where we can grow together as families. But it's also about having a facility where we can come together as a community, for events like Women of Faith, Promise Keepers and others, and reach people in profound ways to promote our values as a city.

"I am voting YES on Tuesday, March 4th. I urge you to join me."

Kirk Humphreys

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