Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I'm on the record as not being very enthused about this Sonics deal. The sales tax vote - which is the part the voters have some say in - passed overwhelmingly. So be it.

But I was somewhat surprised at some of the comments I heard.

Some people said they would leave town if we didn't get the NBA. Just move away. No point in living here without the NBA.

Others thought the NBA would 'bring us together as a city,' eliminating the age-old divide between - wait for it - Sooner fans and Cowboy fans. The presumption apparently being that those are the only two kinds of people living here.

It seems to me that these folks have gone beyond being mere fans. Their entire sense of personal identity seems to be pegged to sports in general and, in particular, the NBA.

I understand that it's happening, but I don't understand why.


Anonymous said...

What about the people who will move away if we GET the damn team?

Anonymous said...

I've got something this morning. Anyone read about the eco terrorists in Seattle that burned the row of decedant mansions earlier this week? I can't remember the movement, but these urban terrorists are pissed that these rich people are so greedy and are living in (huge) houses that were built with no regard for others, including nature.

Chesapeake is going to ruin Oklahoma City - if they haven't already. Can we take a vote to stop Aubrey McClendon from driving up the prices of EVERYTHING? Kind of a "reverse private eminent domain" if you will.

Oklahoma City has much bigger problems than sports teams. We have no authenticity and with the oil "boom" we have no accountability.

As much as I complain about OKC, it has been very good to me over the years. The changes are heart breaking. The only consolation is I know that it is probably happening everywhere. Is it?

Erika Segno West said...

I agree with you on the tax deal. Actually, I'm pretty sure the team will go there no matter what and that the Oklahoman and friends are once more duping the people of Oklahoma, tricking them into paying for their own fantasy. But apparently these people want their freakin sports team so bad, they'll empty their own wallets (which no doubt have schooners or pistols on them). I wonder if these basketball zealots would even be able to afford the cost of tickets to see a game. People will freakin latch on to anything. (BTW, do you read okiefunk? There's some good stuff on there about this.)