Saturday, April 25, 2009

4:18 am

I want to respond to some of the previous comments when I'm back at the computer. Right now I'm in bed with the iPhone, and I just want to mention how much I'm enjoying the dark and the quiet. I'm not sure what's on iTunes, and I can't check without losing this post, but it's a raga played entirely on different sized tabla that play different notes.

Many people rely on drugs to escape reality. My drug is this dark, secluded environment I've created, with the music that removes me from my 'real' surroundings.

That tabla piece has ended and now I've got some classical Chinese erhi piece going.

How are things out in the world?


Anonymous said...

waiting for you to respond has no meaning

Anonymous said...

if everyone would leave mike be he then would have no choice but to find another avenue to validate his theory that his life nor yours has any meaning. give it up and move on. he'll come around when everyone leaves. isn't that the way it always is?