Have you ever noticed that after an illness, all your food cravings and preferences seem to reset themselves??
After the Festival of the Barf a few weekends ago, I had a craving for chocolate milk. I've had more chocolate milk in the past three weeks than in the previous twenty years.
I've had almost no soft drinks (and that will drop to zero until the ulcers heal, and maybe forever) and very little junk food. I used to hit KFC two or three times a week, but I haven't been in a month.
Mmmmmmmmm.....Chocolate Milk!
Yep, I noticed that. After gallbladder surgery I had a craving for raspberry sorbet. After a hysterectomy (TMI) all I wanted was lots of spinach salad.
I had a vastectomy, but I craved something entirely different afterwards.
My gosh, yes! I thought it was just me. I am generally a total coffee-aholic. After I had surgery I had no urge for coffee. I went something like a month without even using the coffee machine! I am, however, happy to report that the phase passed and I am now back to enjoying excessive amounts of coffee on a daily basis. :)
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