Monday, July 09, 2007

Deep thoughts

MindOverMary commented:

"I'll give you something to think about other than those deep thoughts that run through your mind like a hamster on a wheel. Aren't you tired of digging so deep all the time? Life isn't that complicated, it either is or it isn't. Know what I mean?"

I guess I'm more comfortable with the deep thoughts than elsewhere. When I was a kid living in Louisiana, I used to go downtown to the main library and lurk in the stacks, picking books at random to read. Rarely fiction - mostly nonfiction. The library was a cavernous and dark building, and I liked losing myself in the shelves farthest off from the main aisles.

That being said, there's a great deal I don't know. I know nothing about Western philosophy, for example. I should pick up 'Aristotle for Dummies' and work forward from there. The only work of Western philosophy I recall ever reading was 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull.'

But there is some wisdom in what M.O.M. says. I've mentioned some Zen quotes here before - "Eight pounds of flax..." "When I'm hungry, I eat..." etc., emphasizing the importance of ordinary life. Intellectual pretzel-making, as best as I can tell, will not lead you to the Big E (if you have some concept of a 'Big E').

But my ordinary life *is* what M.O.M. describes as 'deep thoughts.' I haven't had much fun 'having fun.' I'm just kinda bookish.

"It either is or it isn't," she writes. Well, sort of. "Is" is another of those things that just rolled out of someone's brain, and the rest of us just generally decided by acclamation that it was right.

An alien from outer space, upon seeing the Statue of Liberty, might radio back to the mothership that it was a 'large structure with a light on top,' and he'd be right, as far as he went. When we say something 'is,' we may come no closer than that to fully describing its 'isness.'

For that matter, how do we know that it 'is'? Or, if we think that it 'isn't', how do we know that? We can't even be sure there's such a thing as 'is.' So maybe life neither is nor isn't. How can we know? Why do we need to know?


Anonymous said...

Let me explain "is" and "isn't". You are either alive (is) or you are dead(isn't). If you are dead then you know the answers to all questions so what's the point of worrying about them now? If you are alive, the deep thoughts muck things up and get in your way of living so again, what's the point of them? Living is responding to touch,taste,smell,sound and the emotions involved with these senses. It's experiencing anger, pleasure, pain, joy,sadness, peace, etc. It's what makes life interesting and enjoyable. If you deny yourself any of these then you deny yourself living the life you are given. The good and bad, pleasure and pain of life is what makes us who we are and none of us get through life without both.

You think you're depressed but what I see in you is fear. Fear of living your life and experiencing peace and happiness and love. You have convinced yourself these things are out of reach so you go into your head where it's safe.

So here's the deal as I see it. If you are happy with your life the way it is, then stick with it. If being you, the way you are is safe, healthy and happy for you then why question it or change it? Personlly, I think you are fabulous and I love you exactly the way you are. BUT....

If you are not happy with you the way you are, then challenge yourself to change. Overcome one fear every week, do something completely out of character. Get out of your head and open your heart to all the beauty that life has to offer.

Then call me and tell me about your experience.


Anonymous said...

Heh heh.

MCARP, you have no idea who you're dealing with.

Mary's bro, blogblah!!!

Anonymous said...

Post Script:

MCARP, I asked an honest question the other day and we didn't get a chance to talk about it. Next time we have a chance will you tell me what you know about the source of the illusion of reality, why it is so pervasive and what gives it such great power, especially to perservere, injure and delight.

This time, I'm not trying to debate, I'm honestly curious.

blogblah, still amused at M.O.M., soon to be "Mimi".

Anonymous said...

Do a web search of "English Prime."

Then tell me what "is" is.

Anonymous said...

sweety, we do not NEED to KNOW anything, but sometimes we CAN FEEL something.
i ghuess, that is mor interesting that knowing big hugh
