Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Let's face it... I'm adorable

I mean, how could you not love me?

I'm a bundle of energy, always on the go.


Anonymous said...

I had a martial arts teacher who would glare at me like this a millisecond before screaming at me to "Pull your head out!" Then came the smiting.

[sigh of nostalgia]

Good times.

Anonymous said...

ok, with this picture you realy can not win an great flower pot, but, yeah, adorable... smile...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this picture! You are so adorable I just want to eat your face off! There's nothing sexier than a depressed, morose, frightened, unatainable man. You got it all,baby! You're hot.


mcarp said...

Do I seem morose to you?

Anonymous said...

Not morose, I just threw that in for dramatic affect. You are perfect and I wouldn't change anything about you because then you wouldn't be you. I love you exactly the way you are.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you're morose; that would take too much energy. This picture was taken in your sick cat persona. You're really much hotter in person as can be attested to by viewing the corpses of the women who have followed you until their candles sputtered out and their knees were bloody from entreating you to stop along the way and give them a morsel of attention. I, like Mindovermary, find you irresistible as long as you are unavailable! Ciao baby, Soartstar