Sunday, July 01, 2007

Roach motel

A few nights ago, I came home to find dozens of roaches crawling around on my front porch. I attributed it to the rain and figured they'd be gone when it cleared off.

Well, it hasn't cleared off.

I've seen three or four roaches in the house since then, and tonight, chased three out of my freakin' bed. I don't know whether to go check into a motel or what.

Guess I'll be getting some roach traps at Target tomorrow.

3:44 a.m. update:

A little web searching revealed several suggestions to put out boric acid in areas where pets and children can't reach it. So I guess I'll get some of that tomorrow.

4 a.m. update:

I'm having some weird flashback stuff going on with these roaches. I had forgotten what it was like having them in the house. When I was a kid in north Louisiana, they were everywhere. It was this damp and rainy every spring there. Nowadays, I may see one bug in the house every six months or so... or at least that was the norm until this week.

I can't go back to sleep.


Anonymous said...

my experience working on apartments at 23d and Robinson includes the roach infestation problem. Boric acid is the ONLY way to go. The "brand name" at the hardware store is "RoachPruf", it comes in a yellow can. Make sure you dump some where the walls are breached under sinks and the plumbing comes into the house. You can rather quickly learn how to leave a thin trail along walls by tapping a spoonful against the wall. Behind and under the 'fridge and, if possible, the stove are "must do" places. good luck. these are the creatures that will survive the nuclear apocalypse, not us.

Anonymous said...

Does boric acid work for evil spirits, too?

freedomauthority said...

Why do we view roaches with such aversion? Why do we perceive them with such visceral disdain? Why are roaches so difficult to experience as they are?