Thursday, December 18, 2008

Birdz 'n' tha Hood

I found an app for my iPhone called Night Camera that includes, among other things, a timer for the iPhone's built-in camera. Even though the foggy, overcast weather was horrible for photos, especially from a low-res cell phone camera, I decided to see what I could do with the timer and photographing birds in the back yard.

If I get close enough to the feeders or back fence to get a good shot, the birds won't come near. So I set the iPhone up, turned on the timer to snap shots every ten seconds, then walked away and left it there awhile.

I had to Photoshop the hell out of these to make them legible. I'll try it again in the spring when the light's better.


Anonymous said...

These are pretty good actually. What did you do in Photoshop to lighten the original shot up? Duplicate layers and switch the mode to "screen?" That's the only way I know how to do it and the resolution always suffers.

Nina said...

Are the cats just loving you like crazy for bringing all these birds?

Do you have bird shit everywhere?


mcarp said...

In Photoshop CS3 (and maybe in eralier versions, but I don't know), there's a thing under Image/Adjustments called Shadow/Highlight. That's what I used on these.

We had a very overcast day here today with fog.

The cats have mostly left the birds alone. I have had two instances of birds apparently being killed - I say 'apparently' because all I found was the feathers - and they both happened in the last ten days. My cats were all indoors shitting under the furniture at the time, so I don't think they were the culprits.

As for bird shit, I don't have as much as you might expect.