Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The last post of 2008

I feel as though I ought to say something profound for a final post of 2008, but I can't come up with anything.

I wrote a few sentences, deleted them, wrote some more, then deleted those, too.

Sorry, but I don't have anything for you. I've come to a dead standstill.


RJ said...

as Porky the pig says

"Duh, duh, duh, that's ALL FOLKS!"

Unknown said...

Perhaps you've been more profound than you think if you've let go of the idea that your grade school self has to know all the answers and have his hand up waving at the teacher.

we don't demand you be profound, MCARP; we only demand that you be human. Isn't that hard enough for you without trying to be something more?

Now get out from under your fuzzy blanket and do something human -- bury that crock pot that's been in your fridge for 7 years in the trench that's in your back yard, for example. Or gently tell Ms. Home Repair that she's getting just too darn perky for this early in the year. Then kiss her and take the consequences.

One last thing, big guy: love you, love your blogging and wish you a very happy '09.
