Friday, April 28, 2006

Arts fest

Guess I can briefly mention that I went to the Arts Festival last night rather than my regular Red Cup hangout. Wandered around with the commenter known as soartstar. Ate a bratwurst and strawberries newport.

My boss's retirement party was also yesterday. I don't write about work, largely because I don't want office gossips and snoops logging in here trying to glean tidbits upon which to speculate and swap conjecture. But I will say that my boss created an environment in which creative people felt free to exercise their creativity. I have worked in environments where creativity, even from people paid to be creative, scared the hell out of some managers, and creative people ended up tiptoeing on eggshells to avoid frightening people.

I hope that our environment continues to foster creativity under our new director, whoever that turns out to be.

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