Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I wonder

Do other people spend as much time questioning the validity of their existence as I do?

I get up in the am and feel pretty good. Go to work, usually make it through the day. Muck around in the evening if I don't go out.

Go to bed, lie awake and wonder why I'm alive and how I'm going to make msyelf get out of bed in the morning.

Do other people do this?


Anonymous said...

Oh my Gawd, such a self absorbed boy. Greater minds than yours have struggled with these questions. Who do you think you actually are?

The lost son of Christ?

Until you focus on someone other than yourself, you'll never find the meaning of existence. It ain't in you, aging prince Mcarp.

Many more have greater troubles than you. Help them out & see if you don't feel better.

Get off your big self involved ass & turn your attention to those who have less than you.

Count your blessings. Take a walk & thank the Gods for your legs. Eat a meal & praise the Goddess that you can fill your stomach.

Narcissistic chump. Being moody & weird is only a badge of honor to those wanna be pretenders who think that angst makes them a genius.

The work you show has a workman like skill & not much else. It only exists to get people to look at you.

Get a view of life that expands beyond your own navel & you might have something worth writing or painting about.

Saying these things to you will have little effect, but I had to find something to redeem the time I lost reading your masturbatory drivel.

Get off your ass & have a better life, making life better for others.

Anonymous said...

I used to worry about this the most on my early morning drives to work. This was back when I had to be at work by 6:30 am, which meant leaving the house by 5:30. I am not a morning person, so this was always really hard. I used to drive to work in those dark early mornings and think about the meaning of life and conclude there was none and get incredibly depressed. I finally decided that I was not allowed to think about those things during that morning commute; and that if I did, I was not going to take myself seriously.

Maybe you need to do something similar. Just tell yourself you won't think about it late in the day and if you do, it doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

Yes, sometimes it does happen...but when it does, I eat cake.....oh, wait...too many carbs...I eat.....................salad...you know that green and yellow stuff that goes good with ranch dressing....

mcarp said...

Salad's okay. It's just that after you pick out the yucky parts, there's usually nothing left but dressing and croutons.

My code phrase to post this time is 'pqosex.'

Anonymous said...

Only 10% of the population can think abstractly. Only a small percentage of those people have an existential thought, followed by depression, insomnia, blogging, and banana pudding that makes it all seem comfortable here on our own thin slice of subspace at the edge of the milky way galaxy, alone inside and outside of our heads. Are you Welsh?

mcarp said...

English and Scots mostly.

Or maybe Merovingian, if I'm the lost son of Christ.

Anonymous said...

how very odd, to roam around looking for people you disagree with and then trying to pick a virtual fight ... i'd sure hate to be stewing in annonymous's juices ..

Anonymous said...

The trouble we have is we think we have time. --Dzaster

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is self absorbed to write what you did. Yes, many people have greater troubles than you or me but it doesn't take away what your feelings. I don't think what you wrote was narcissistic. I have the same "why am I here" and "why should I get out of bed?" but I don't like myself enough to be a narcissist. In fact I could win a self loathing contest any day.

I saw a cartoon in the New Yorker that made me think of this blog. Will find a way to get it to you. Perhaps at the red cup?