Friday, February 20, 2009

Random stuff

I haven't posted much of anything lately, because everything's been pretty calm and sedate with me. (As mentioned previously, there's been some drama in my general vicinity, but it's not about me.)

But I feel like I ought to post something, for crying out loud, so here are a few random statements of fact and opinion.

1. I had never heard of Rihanna or Chris Brown until this week. I assume they're singers, but I don't even know that for sure. I asked someone about thirty years younger than me, and he didn't know who they were, either.

2. I'm going to tune out any cable TV or talk radio rant that includes the line, "This is America!" - as if that somehow proves the ranter's point.

3. I've sort of dropped contact with my favorite willowy gauzy ethereal Buddhist friend. This happened about a month and a half ago. We met for lunch, she said something about her boyfriend, and I could feel my face turn red. I don't know what it looked like, but if it was enough that I could feel it, it must have been obvious. Equally obvious by that point was that my emotional response to that situation is more or less beyond my control, and I've been kidding myself thinking I could manage it or maintain equanimity about it. I'm not going to make myself crazy over it - nor am I going to drive her crazy, for that matter.

4. I liked the Obama "HOPE" poster, but I'm tired of the knockoffs. I saw one for Bill Maher tonight, and another for Bernard Madoff. Enough is enough.

5. Work continues on redecorating the master bedroom. Ms. HRP will probably finish texturing the walls tomorrow. She's also redoing the ceiling, and doing something to the floor as well.

6. I've been building up my classical music library. I'm blah about Beethoven, and I've never liked Mozart. Janácek, Dvořák, Shostakovich, Sibelius and others are more to my liking.

7. The iPhone changed my life. Not necessarily for the better, some would say.

8. And finally, a picture of a couple of cats sleeping.

This was sent by a relative, and I don't know where it originated.

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