Sunday, February 01, 2009

Too much food

We're having our big Lunar New Year celebration this weekend, and a friend and I ate at a local Vietnamese/Chinese place Saturday night.

The plate of food I was served was enough to sustain me at my current level of activity for perhaps three days. But I stuffed it all down.

I eat out most of the time, and I am always served far more food than I need to eat. And yet I almost invariably eat all of it. I like to eat, that is, the actual physical experience of eating. And I am still bothered by the thought of the food going to waste - even though more harm is done by my eating it than would be done if it were left on the plate. Plus, there's the twisted economic consideration: I paid for it, dammit, and I'm going to eat it.

It is hard to change my eating habits. I've had some success forcing myself to leave food behind, but not enough success. Even though the amount I eat is detrimental to my health, I can't break the habit of overeating.


RJ said...

the hardest thing I learned as I watched my mother kill herself with food was the old, but true adage...

eat to live
not live to eat

sometimes I forget, but it has helped me make better choices.

Anonymous said...

I try to eat half and take the other half home. Doesn't always work. Sometimes I try to order off the appetizer menu (if there is one) but it makes me mad that I have to limit my choices because portions are so large and I don't want to waste food.