Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday night

This has actually been a fairly eventful week, although some of what has transpired is probably better left unmentioned.

It has been a rough week for my allergies. I have an anti-allergen filter on the return for the AC, and another in the floor register in the bedroom. So the air is filtered going in to the AC, and further filtered coming out. In addition, there's a HEPA air purifier running full time. As a result, I can camp out in the bedroom and stay fairly comfortable.

But when I take Bailey out for her morning walk, I start sneezing. My eyes start to itch and water. And then I just feel like crap off and on for the rest of the day. I want to do even less than usual. This has also had the effect of making me irritable and cranky.

I wonder if the Buddha had allergies. I'm guessing he didn't.

1 comment:

dzaster said...

I totally bet the Buddha had allergies along with crap in his eye in the morning and all the other bodily excretions you mention in another post. He was a man unlike Jesus who was the SON OF GOD. I doubt JESUS had allergies.

P.S. Some of the most amazing of all the excretions you mention come about after you are d-e-a-d.