Monday, June 01, 2009

In other news at this hour...

Up this morning at just a few minutes after 5 am, as her royal highness decreed a walk was necessary. I don't mind getting up that early for her, except that if I go back to bed afterward, she'll want another walk around 7. I never had a dog that needed to go out as often as this one. Her bladder must be the size of a thimble.

More wiring on the garage this morning. Then the plumber arrived and discovered the master panel or whatever it's called has been installed exactly opposite the shower. The shower connection and the wiring would be only a fraction of an inch apart. So they'll have to confer about the propriety of that arrangement.

Ms. HRP came over and weeded the front flower beds. She also pruned back some of the plants - something I would not have been able to do myself - and the front of the house looks much better. She said I seem to have gotten several seasons of growth in just one year, so these beds look like they've been here for years.

She also provides a certain amount of yang to my yin, which is also helpful.

I've been coughing the past couple of days. I had attributed that to allergies, but today I got that ticklish feeling in the roof of my mouth that often presages a cold. And tonight I have some minor body aches that are a little flu-like.

Blogblah!, I will make every effort not to die before we can meet. Of course, I may have infected you this morning. I wasn't feeling ill when we were talking - I didn't know anything was wrong.

I've been up since 5 and I had one snooze of maybe ten minutes, so I'm out for now.

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