Monday, June 01, 2009

When she said 'retired', I didn't realize she meant 'nuked.'

"Hi, Nina/Christina... it's me, God. Thought I might catch you at home. Just wanted to let you know how disappointed I was to find that you'd wiped your blog, Flibbertigibettibibbitybobbityboo.

"Even though I already knew all the stuff you were writing about - eye on the sparrow, and all - it was still amusing to read your take on it.

"I saw from your final post that you're doing Facebook now. Guess I'll have to look into that... I'm still just on myspace.

"Anyway, give me a call when you get this. Or text me.


1 comment:

Nina said...

Hi God,

It’s me again, Nina/Christina. So sorry for my improper wording concerning the vanishing blog - really should have used ‘nuke’ over ‘retire’. Had a bit of a stalker scare, but for the most part I was just plain bored with it and having a hard time uncovering passion of any kind.

Thanks for listening and watching me flail about all those years. Please forgive me when I whined and complained too much. I am really trying to immerse myself in gratitude these days and boy, you must know it too after the way a few things are turning out.

As I have an aversion to phoning peeps, I thought I’d just write. I would text you, but I lost your number when I switched to the iPhone. Guess I could Google you or better yet, you call me…be sure and leave a message, please.

God, you really should ditch the whole MySpace thing and go all out on Facebook.

Forever your friend,


P.S. Why did you bother with the gallbladder?
