Monday, December 07, 2009


Thinking about my artist friend whom I haven't seen in many months reminded me of some other transitions in my life and surroundings.

Dave, who I never wrote about here but who I saw almost every day for years, moved out of town months ago.

dzaster, who posted here regularly, left the state and was gone a couple of months before I knew she had left.

Ms. HRP finished my back yard and has moved on to other projects.

Rollo the cat has abandoned me. Sometimes I'll see him on a neighbor's porch or walking across a lawn across the street. If I pick him up and try to bring him back to the house, he growls and spits and hisses. He won't even come up on the porch.

I used to hang out every day at the Red Cup, but started going there less frequently this past summer. I haven't been there at all since mid-October.

Everything is temporary. Everything is changing. Nothing is permanent.

And there's no point or purpose to any of it.

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