Thursday, December 24, 2009


If you've been watching the news, you know we had a blizzard here today, with record one-day snowfall for the city and wind gusts up to fifty-plus miles an hour.

I'm trying to follow it via the web, but from my little house in the center of town it looks like a typical snowy day. I got out about 9:30 am and had breakfast, and all seemed pretty well. The ice storms of 2007 and 2002 affected me much more than this blizzard has.

But from what I hear, it turned to absolute pandemonium everywhere else by about 1 pm. There are reports of people who have been stranded on the interstates, turnpikes and in shopping mall parking lots for six hours or more. Traffic got so jammed up that the plows couldn't get through to clear the snow drifts off the streets.

My little cat Frannie got out Tuesday night and hasn't been seen since. I'm hoping she holed up under the neighbor's house or some other location, and I'll see her when the wind dies down.

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