Thursday, July 08, 2010

Back in High School...

...I knew this kind of willowy, gauzy, ethereal hippie chick. This was in 1969-70. Her name was Frances Green, but she was known to her friends as Frannie the Green. (This was 1969, remember.)

I lost track of her after high school. We both moved away from that town. About a year later, I got a letter from her. She wasn't sure I was the right mcarp, but she sent the letter on a hunch. I had no idea how she found me. I don't know why I didn't reply, but I didn't.

But I wondered over the years what had become of her. Starting about 2005, I began scouring the Internet looking for information on her. I posted queries about her on websites where I thought she might have visited.

One of them finally produced results. I got an email tonight telling me Frannie died of cancer two years ago.

I should have answered that letter.

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